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Assignment 1: Discussion Question: Prosocial Behavior And Altruism

Consider and discuss how the phenomena of prosocial behavior and pure altruism relate to each other and how they differ from each other. Pure altruism is a specific kind of prosocial behavior where your sole motivation is to help a person in need without seeking benefit for yourself. It is often viewed as a truly selfless form of behavior. Provide an example each of prosocial behavior and pure altruism.       Use the Respond link to post responses and materials that pertain to this assignment. Use the Respond link beneath any existing postings to respond to them.   Discussion Question                    Consider and discuss how the phenomena of prosocial behavior and pure altruism relate to each other and how they differ from each other. Pure altruism is a specific kind of prosocial behavior where your sole motivation is to help a person in need without seeking benefit for yourself. It is often viewed as a truly selfless form of behavior. Provide an example each of prosocial behavior and pure altruism.  


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