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Discussion #12: Ch. 12 Socioemotional Development In Adolescence 25 25 Unread Replies. 25 25 Replies.

1. Researchers who study peer  relationships in adolescence might argue that cliques get a bad rap  because common views portray cliques as harmful to adolescents.   How  would you describe your friend group/clique?  How did membership in this  group impact your development?   2.  Identify influences on  adolescent sexual activity (e.g., intercourse, oral sex, contraceptive  use) at 2 of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological levels.  What interventions  could be created by applying this information to reduce sexual activity  and increase safe sex practices among adolescents? 3.  Discuss 3 contextual  influences on the development of a sense of self and identity.  In what  ways do interactions with contextual influences, such as parents, peers,  school, community, and societal forces, shape adolescents’ emerging  sense of self?  Provide specific examples of the impact of these  influences.


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