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Editing A Philosophy/Psychology Paper On Sigmung Freuds Book The Freud Reader

ATTACHED IS THE ORGINAL ESSAY ALL I NEED IS FOR IT TO BE EDITED TO FIT THE REQUIREMENTS  *MUST USE THE FREUD READER NO INTERNET SOURCES* Freud, Sigmund. The Freud Reader, edited by Peter Gay. New York: W.W. Norton, 1989. THESE ARE THE ORIGINAL REQUIREMENTS Write a concise 3-page expository essay that answers one of the following questions, using only the primary texts: “On Narcissism” or “Mourning and Melancholia”.  Of course, I encourage you to discuss the material with your classmates in a mutually-beneficial way.  Please do not use the internet or any secondary sources.  Do not simply rewrite your class notes, but rather demonstrate in your answers that you have read, understood, and thought about the material.  Write as if you are explaining Freud’s theory in your own words to someone who has not read Freud, and please avoid using first person (I feel…I think…”) How does Freud understand the concept of “narcissism”? How does Freud understand the concept of “mourning”? I’m looking for thorough, coherent answers that demonstrate reflection on the assignments.  Please double-space, and type using size-12, Times New Roman font.  Please avoid using direct quotations on these short assignments, unless they are short and cited correctly (using either Chicago, MLA, or APA style). An A-paper will show an excellent grasp of the material, and demonstrate that the student actively read the material, and has incorporated the lectures and discussion into thoughtful, comprehensive reflection on the material. It will also have minimal errors in spelling and grammar, and present coherent arguments.  


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