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Foundational Learning Theories

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read Learning theories: Behaviorism , Operant Conditioning, and Pavlovian Conditioning, Behaviorism (Links to an external site.) and view the required videos Classical and Operant Conditioning,  (Links to an external site.) 5 Psychology Experiments You Couldn’t Do Today (Links to an external site.), and Zimbardo Stanford Prison Experiment (Links to an external site.).   Include the following components in your initial post: Compare and contrast the general theories proposed by Pavlov and Skinner. Examine and describe each researcher’s contribution(s) to psychology theory and practice. Examine the major theoretical approaches proposed by the authors including any related research methods and/or assessment instruments associated with him or her. Identify potential ethical considerations posed by each theory. What could be unethical about either the running of typical classical and operant conditioning experiments or the manipulation of human behavior through rewards and punishments? Your initial post should be a minimum of 500 words.


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