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Week 7: Cognitive and Behavioral Applications   Introduction As you think about the essential components of cognitive and behavioral theories, what clients do you envision as best suited for these approaches? If you were a client in one of the videos you have explored thus far, how might you react to behavioral or cognitive interventions? On the other hand, if you were the counselor in one of the videos, how comfortable would you be employing a cognitive or behavioral approach? In previous Application weeks, you have had the opportunity to observe humanistic, existential, and psychoanalytic theories in action. This week you increase your acumen in cognitive and behavioral theory (CBT) applications by watching media demonstrations of CBT counselors. Remember that all media pieces are 90–120 minutes in length. Be sure to select your media piece early in the week and plan your time accordingly. Objectives Students will: ·         Analyze theoretical approaches in counseling sessions ·         Evaluate the effectiveness of counselors’ theoretical approach ·         Analyze cognitive and behavioral theories ·         Evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive and behavioral theoretical approaches in working with a specific client population Please proceed to the Resources.     Week 7 Learning Resources This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources. Required Resources Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus. Readings ·         Capuzzi, D., & Gross, D. R. (Ed). (2011). Counseling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association. o    Chapter 9, “Cognitive-Behavioral Theories” (pp. 193–213) o    Chapter 10, “Dialectical Behavior Theory” (pp. 215–235) o    Chapter 11, “Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy” (pp. 237–261) o    Chapter 12, “Reality Therapy/Choice Theory” (pp. 263–285) Note: This week’s chapters are for review, as they are the same as assigned for Week 6. ·         Document: Analyzing Counseling Theories (Word document) Note: This document will be used for the completion of this week’s Assignment. Media ·         Psychotherapy.net. (Executive Producer). (1997). Cognitive-behavioral therapy with John Krumboltz[Video].  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 111 minutes. ·         Psychotherapy.net. (Executive Producer). (1997). Reality therapy with Dr. Robert Wubbolding [Video].  Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. ·         Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 110 minutes. There are no videos for DBT or REBT in this video series. Please proceed to the Discussion.Return to top     Analyzing Counseling Theories Student Name Walden University Analyzing Counseling Theories Part 1: Chart      Theory 1: Name Theory 2: Name Background Theory     ·      Use only bullet points; no sentences—delete this before beginning your one page chart. The boxes will expand to accommodate your points. ·       Human Nature     ·           ·           Major Constructs     ·           ·           Applications     ·           ·           Evaluations       ·           ·             Chapter Author, Year Chapter Author, Year     Part 2: Reflection I.        Describe a specific population of clients with whom you hope to work in the future.  Explain why you have chosen this population and what you hope to accomplish with this client base. (Note this point will remain the same on future papers, if you want to keep it. Please delete.) II.     Explain which one of the two theories in your chart would be the most effective in working with this client population and explain why. III.   Describe at least two interventions from your chosen theory you would suggest using and how these interventions would assist this client population in reaching counseling goals.                                       References Finn, A. (2011). Jungian analytical theory. In D. Capuzzi & D. Gross (Eds.). Counseling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions. (5th ed., pp. 77- 94). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association. Haley, M. (2011). Gestalt therapy. In D. Capuzzi & D. Gross (Eds.). Counseling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions. (5th ed., pp. 167- 191). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association. Johnson, A. (2011). Psychoanalytic theory.  Haley, M. (2011). Gestalt therapy. In D. Capuzzi & D. Gross (Eds.). Counseling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions. (5th ed., pp. 97- 76). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.   Note: Be sure to change your references to reflect those you have cited in the assignment.             Week 7 Assignment   Application: Analyzing Counseling Theories This Application continues your side-by-side analysis of learning theories. Download the chart template, “Analyzing Counseling Theories,” from this week’s Learning Resources to continue your Assignment. Part 1: Chart ·         Use the chart template to analyze counseling theories. ·         Select two theories from this week’s Learning Resources. ·         Describe the background theory, human nature, major constructs, applications, and evaluations of each counseling theory. Part 2: Reflection (1 page) ·         Describe a specific population of clients with whom you hope to work in the future. ·         Explain which of the two theories in your chart would be the most effective in working with this client population and explain why. ·         Describe the interventions you would suggest from this theory and how these interventions would assist this client population in reaching counseling goals. Submit your assignment by (Saturday) 1/16/16@ 6pm Eastern Standard Time         Week 7 Discussion   Theory in Action: Cognitive and Behavioral Approaches Have you ever heard the term “positive addiction”? In general, this term is used to describe the act of replacing a negative addiction, like smoking, with a positive activity, like exercising. Both smoking and exercising can be perceived as a means to reduce stress; however the act of exercising is clearly the healthier option of the two. William Glasser, the founder of reality therapy was the first to introduce this term. Glasser believed that these positive addictions can increase the strength and motivation that people feel in their lives.   Have you ever stood on a crowded elevator and considered singing a song? Did you know that this could actually be an intervention used by a cognitive-behavioral counselor called a shame-attacking exercise? In shame-attacking exercises, clients engage in an activity that others around them might disapprove of, thus causing shame to the client. Experiencing the brief discomfort caused by these actions is thought to decrease feelings of social anxiety and self-consciousness.  For this week’s Discussion, you consider which theoretical approach most resonates with you: reality therapy or a generalized CBT approach. You then watch the media piece that translates this theory into practice. Specifically, you examine how the counselor depicted in the media used your selected theoretical approach to guide his or her interventions. Note: When crafting your Discussion post, support your ideas by providing references to specific examples from the video. In addition, cite the video frame (e.g., 8.32 minutes) that the action or intervention occurred. You do not need to summarize the demonstration itself, as your Instructor and many of your colleagues have also viewed it. Instead, provide insight into the interventions used and major constructs of the theory. Post by Day 3 a brief description of the video you selected and the theoretical approach used. Explain how this theory resonates with you. Then, describe the counselor’s specific interventions that would indicate his/her theoretical approach and explain how effectively the counselor demonstrated the approach. Finally, share one insight you gained from watching the counselor in the media.   Respond by 1/13/16@6pm Eastern Standard Time         Week 8: Family, Feminist, and Transpersonal Theories       Introduction   Humans naturally view the world through their own eyes. Their opinions, assumptions, and reactions hinge on how they personally perceive situations. In fact, it can be argued that humans are fairly self-obsessed. As a counselor, it is imperative to be cognizant of this natural tendency, and take strides to view the world through the eyes of others.  Postmodernism, a theoretical approach that is largely influenced by counselors’ ability to think like their clients, prompts counselors to enter their clients’ realities. From this vantage point, counselors can use the narratives of their clients to travel through perceptions of problems and life events. Side-by-side in this reality, counselors can work with clients to restructure their life-stories.   As a counselor, role-playing is one of the first activities in which you can engage to place yourself in clients’ reality. Role-playing allows you to experience the mixture of feelings that clients may experience when in the counseling environment. This week, you use the media to role-play three first-time visits with counselors from different postmodern theoretical approaches.   Objectives   Students will:   ·         Evaluate effectiveness of postmodern theories   ·         Apply knowledge of postmodern theories                                          Week 8 Learning Resources       This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources. To access select media resources, please use the media player below.   Required Resources   Readings   ·         Capuzzi, D., & Gross, D. R. (Ed.). (2011). Counseling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions(5th ed.). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.   o    Chapter 13, “Family Theory” (pp. 287–311)   o    Chapter 14, “Feminist Theory” (pp. 313–333)   o    Chapter 15, “Transpersonal Theory” (pp. 335–353)   ·         Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling. (2009). Competencies for addressing spiritual and religious issues in counseling. Retrieved fromhttp://www.aservic.org/resources/spiritual-competencies/   Media   ·         Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Ethics and Legal Issues counseling course preview [Video]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.       PLEASE READ THIS “TRANSCRIPT” BELOW BRFORE YOU DO THE DISCUSSION                                                                                                                 Postmodern Theories Program Transcript       Postmodern Theories Program Transcript Instructions: Watch the following introductions by the various counselors.   Post by Day 3 an explanation of which approach might be most effective and explain why. Then explain how this particular approach may help a client to achieve his or her goals. Finally, explain what it felt like to sit in the client’s seat.   Family Theory Counselor:   Hello, I’m Bob. It’s nice to meet you.   I’m a National Certified Counselor and a Licensed Professional Counselor in my state.   In my work with clients, I use a family therapy approach. Often when one individual in a family has a problem, it’s related to a problem in the family.   As we talk today, I may suggest that in the future you come in with your partner or your entire family to determine if there is a stressor that is not only affecting you but the entire family.   For example, sometimes if a couple is having marriage problems, one of the children begins misbehaving to take the focus off of the parents. The parents focus on the child which leads to a break in the arguments.   This is called triangulation. I usually ask my clients to develop a genogram or eco-map to help us better understand family development and how families interact with their communities.   If you like, I can tell you more about my specific family theory; however, what’s important to know now is that as a family counselor, I can work with individuals, couples, and/or families, although I generally work with couples or families.   Feminist Theory Counselor:   Hello, I’m Sue. It’s nice to meet you.    I’m a National Certified Counselor and a Licensed Professional Counselor in my state.   In my work with clients, I use a feminist theory approach.   You might think that means that I only work with women, but that’s actually not true. I work with both men and women; in fact, there are a few male counselors at my center who also integrate a feminist theory approach into their work with their clients.   As a feminist counselor, I’ll consider myself to be a partner with you in reaching your goals. I want to understand your experiences and views and the environment in which you have lived. I’ll be less interested in diagnosing you than in working with you to determine how you have been affected by any type of oppression or marginalization. I draw from a variety of approaches, depending on what works best for you.   For example, I’ve found bibliotherapy and assertiveness training to be helpful for many clients. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me at any time.   Transpersonal Theory Counselor   Hello, I’m Cynthia. It’s nice to meet you.   I’m a National Certified Counselor and a Licensed Professional Counselor in my state.   In my work with clients, I use a transpersonal approach.   With a transpersonal approach, I want to work with you to help you overcome your difficulties so that you can ultimately focus on your spiritual development.   I draw from a variety of both Eastern and Western approaches in helping my clients overcome difficulties that may affect their potential.   For example, many of my clients have found meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and cognitive-behavioral interventions to be helpful for coping with anxiety which can ultimately block spiritual development.   Those are just a few examples of how I integrate a variety of approaches in my work with clients.   The main difference you’ll find in working with me compared to other counselors is that I believe there are stages of development beyond the ego.                                                            Week 8 Discussion       Applying Family, Feminist, and Transpersonal Theories   Reflect upon two personal or professional goals you might like to achieve. If you were to visit a counselor with these goals in mind, which theoretical approach might help you to achieve them? In addition, what type of counseling style might you connect with the most?    In this Discussion you use the media, Postmodern Theories, to seek the help of three counselors. As you listen to each counselor’s theoretical approach, consider how each might be the most effective in addressing your unique goals. In addition, take note of the emotions that you feel while you virtually sit in the client’s seat.    Note: This post does not require you to share any personal information about yourself. Though you should use personal or professional goals to assist you in selecting a theoretical orientation, you may present the ideas of your posting in a more general format.   Post by Day 3 an explanation of which approach might be most effective and explain why. Then, explain how this particular approach may help a client to achieve his or her goals. Finally, explain what it felt like to sit in the client’s seat.   Due on 1/20/16 @ 6pm Eastern Standard Time                QUIZ DUE ON 1/23/16     QUIZ IS DUE ON 1/23/16@ 6PM EASTERN STANDARD TIME   QUESTION 1   1.       The family life spiral is:   [removed] a. An example of family decline [removed] b. A linear model [removed] c. An example of a life stressor [removed] d. A developmental model   2 points      QUESTION 2   1.      According to transpersonalism:   [removed] a. Healthy development is marked by one’s advancement from personal to transpersonal concerns. [removed] b. Healthy development is marked by one’s quality of relationships. [removed] c. Healthy development is impossible to define. [removed] d. Healthy development is not a goal.   2 points      QUESTION 3   1.      ___________ wrote that Kohlberg’s model of moral development was more applicable to men than women.   [removed] a. Carol Gilligan [removed] b. Barbara Herlihy [removed] c. Vivian Carroll McCollum [removed] d. Nancy Chodorow   2 points      QUESTION 4   1.      One of the primary goals of transpersonal counseling is to:   [removed] a. Bring the client to an acceptable level of mental health [removed] b. Bring the client to a point where he or she can begin to work on transpersonal issues [removed] c. Take the client into the realm of transcendence, unity, and extraordinary mental health [removed] d. None of the above   2 points      QUESTION 5   1.       Which of the following family therapists is best known for his/her strategic approach to treatment?   [removed] a. Satir [removed] b. Bowen [removed] c. Haley [removed] d. Minuchin   2 points      QUESTION 6   1.       Teasing out stressors poses a challenge for the family counselor because of the family’s:   [removed] a. Mistrust of therapy [removed] b. Many stories [removed] c. Multigenerational issues [removed] d. Severity of pain   2 points      QUESTION 7   1.      Although the theoretical underpinnings of transpersonal theory can be credited to a number of individuals, theories, and philosophical approaches to mental health and spiritual experience, _____________ has emerged as the primary leader of this burgeoning field.   [removed] a. Groff [removed] b. Wilber [removed] c. Jung [removed] d. Maslow   2 points      QUESTION 8   1.       The term used to describe a family system’s tendency to maintain predictable interactional processes is:   [removed] a. Family project process [removed] b. Cybernetics [removed] c. Centripetal [removed] d. Family homeostatis   2 points      QUESTION 9   1.      Which of the following family therapists is best known for his/her structural approach to treatment:   [removed] a. Satir [removed] b. Bowen [removed] c. Haley [removed] d. Minuchin   2 points      QUESTION 10   1.      Self-in-relation theory is the work of:   [removed] a. Sharf and Bem [removed] b. Jordan and Surrey [removed] c. Jean Baker Miller [removed] d. Betty Freidan   2 points      QUESTION 11   1.       __________ attributed the difference between women and men to the fact that women are primarily responsible for early child care.   [removed] a. Carol Gilligan [removed] b. Barbara Herlihy [removed] c. Vivian Carroll McCollum [removed] d. Nancy Chodorow   2 points      QUESTION 12   1.       Which of the following is one of the “Competencies for Addressing Spiritual and Religious Issues in Counseling”?   [removed] a. The professional counselor can describe the similarities and differences between spirituality and religion, including the basic beliefs of various spiritual systems, major world religions, agnosticism, and atheism. [removed] b. The professional counselor recognizes that the client’s beliefs (or absence of beliefs) about spirituality and/or religion are central to his or her worldview but cannot influence psychosocial functioning. [removed] c. The professional counselor can identify the limits of his or her understanding of the client’s spiritual and/or religious perspective and is acquainted with religious and spiritual resources, including leaders, who can join in counseling sessions with the counselor and client. [removed] d. All of the above   2 points      QUESTION 13   1.      Two major disorders given a great deal of attention in feminist literature are:   [removed] a. Personality disorders and bipolar disorders [removed] b. Borderline personality disorders and hypertension [removed] c. Eating disorders and PTSD [removed] d. Insomnia and PTSD   2 points      QUESTION 14   1.       ________________ occurs when a family modifies problem behaviors yet maintains its present structure.   [removed] a. First order change [removed] b. Second order change [removed] c. Third order change [removed] d. Fourth order change   2 points      QUESTION 15   1.      A multifaceted process, occurring across the life span is called:   [removed] a. Gender role identification [removed] b. Gender bias [removed] c. Genderfication [removed] d. Gender role socialization   2 points      QUESTION 16   1.       A counselor directing family members to engage in a communication game to examine how their incongruent messages lead to pain and lower self-esteem is following which approach to family therapy?   A counselor directing family members to engage in a communication game to examine how their incongruent messages lead to pain and lower self-esteem is following which approach to family therapy?       [removed] a. Conjoint [removed] b. Transgenerational [removed] c. Narrative [removed] d. Structural   2 points      QUESTION 17   1.      The core practice of transpersonal counseling includes which of the following:   [removed] a. Mindfulness [removed] b. Yoga [removed] c. Biofeedback [removed] d. All of the above   2 points      QUESTION 18   1.      The first person to introduce the subjects of consciousness, spiritualism, and psychical research into the mental health fields was:   [removed] a. Carl Jung [removed] b. Abraham Maslow [removed] c. William James [removed] d. Sigmund Freud   2 points      QUESTION 19   1.       Which of the following family therapists is best known for his/her conjoint approach to treatment?   [removed] a. Satir [removed] b. Bowen [removed] c. Haley [removed] d. Minuchin   2 points      QUESTION 20   1.      The term used to describe one of the perceptual sets people use when looking at society and their place in it is:   [removed] a. Gender schema [removed] b. Egalitarian [removed] c. Engendered lives [removed] d. None of the above   2 points      QUESTION 21   1.      The “Competencies for Addressing Spiritual and Religious Issues in Counseling” were developed by which of the following divisions of the American Counseling Association?   [removed] a. Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling [removed] b. Association for Religion, Philosophy, and Spirituality in Counseling [removed] c. American Pastoral Counselors Association [removed] d. There is not a division of the American Counseling Association that developed these competencies.   2 points      QUESTION 22   1.       A strategy for empowering clients is to involve them in naming their problem and participating in directing the counseling process. This strategy is called:   [removed] a. Self-disclosure [removed] b. Gender role analysis [removed] c. Demystifying the counseling process [removed] d. Client empowerment   2 points      QUESTION 23   1.      Within the transpersonal states of functioning, which of the following developmental lines or stages exist?   [removed] a. cognitive [removed] b. vision logic [removed] c. psychic [removed] d. all of the above   2 points      QUESTION 24   1.      Which of the following is not a fundamental principle of feminist counselors?   [removed] a. The personal is political [removed] b. A commitment to social change [removed] c. A commitment to the establishment of an authoritarian relationship [removed] d. Honoring women’s experiences and appreciating their perspectives, values, and strengths   2 points      QUESTION 25   1.      The term _______________ means beyond the personal, ego, or self.   [removed] a. archetypal [removed] b. transpersonal [removed] c. reductionistic [removed] d. monistic QUIZ IS DUE ON 1/23/16@ 6PM EASTERN STANDARD TIME 2 points               


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