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In The Media, T

 Stereotypes are everywhere; they are on television, billboards, posters, magazines, and even on the internet. Stereotypes are presented everywhere in the media; from the stereotypical skinny model on the cover of a magazine, to a racial stereotype on television https://legitassignmenthelp.com/2021/04/15/stereotypes-are-everywhere/ The people creating these tactless items in the media may not be aware of the danger they are causing to society, but this unfortunate occurrence must be prevented. The media can unquestionably present danger to many people when they exhibit stereotyping. Stereotyping can lead to treacherous events, such as negative internalization and incorrect judgment. When people view advertisements in the media, they tend to internalize the stereotypes that are being used in them. The models used in the advertisements are what society use as models of the ideal human being. Therefore, people who do not fit these standards can feel insecure about themselves. When a company is selling a product, the company tends to sell it so that the buyers can improve something about themselves. A shampoo company advertises its shampoo and how it can … 


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