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  Select from chapters 12-14 the vignette that you did not choose in Topic 2. Below is a link that you can use to help you with this assignment. (TOPIC 2 VIGNETTE WAS:    1. Assisting Lucinda: Diabetic Patient with Numerous Complications, Poor Control, and High Service Use.     2. Assisting Robert: Disabled Employee with Chronic Lung Disease, Panic Attacks, and Alcohol Abuse Budget and Finance Basics. National Council for Behavioral Health https://www.thenationalcouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Financial-Literacy.pdf?daf=375ateTbd56 Complete the following: 1. Create an integrated treatment plan. You can choose any template for an integrated care plan that you can obtain from the course materials or online. 2. Write a 750-1000 word summary, in paragraph format, that includes the high points of the integrated treatment plan. 3. Include steps that can be implemented to increase adherence to the integrated care plan. 4. Include any additional treatment plan element that is not included in .the vignette that would incorporate all aspects of mental health and wellness such as natural supports. 5. Develop a budget to support your integrated care plan that includes the associated costs: Staffing cost (i.e. therapist, nutritionist, etc.), Materials cost (i.e. worksheets, etc.), Office/Space Cost, and Other costs (i.e. technology, etc.). Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


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