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PSY 200 5-2 Prevention Program: Final Presentation

    Create a small prevention program that  could be implemented at a health fair, at a workplace, or in a school.  The goal of this assignment is to articulate the social, biological, and  psychological consequences of addictive behaviors to an at-risk  population and contextualize issues of addiction in historical and  social frameworks.     For this presentation, you will present your complete prevention program.      The presentation should include 7–10 slides (not counting title slide  and references slide) with speaker notes to address the following  topics: Population that is at risk Addiction and the effects that this addiction has on the individual, family, workplace, and community A look at the history and social frameworks of this addiction and the at-risk population Where is the best place to implement this program? How will you measure success for this prevention program? Could you apply this prevention program within your real life and community? If so, will you, and if not, why not? An effective presentation will include: Dynamic formatting of the slides Appropriate images, charts, graphs, and so on Clean bullets points that do not give too much information per slide   Use of the speaker notes section to clearly define the bullets of the slide and provide reference to cited material View this example prevention program.      For additional details, please refer to the Prevention Program Final  Project Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and  Rubrics section of the course. teacher comments:  for grading and comments. Thanks, -Overall, you slides were very basic. Add more dynamically to  the presentation by adding pictures to support each area. Be sure to  cover all the important aspects of development and address them through  the literature available on the subjects. Please see specific comments  above.  


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